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Honey Festival

Honey Festival

Saturday September 23trd, from 9 am to 1 pm

327 Bering avenue, Etobicoke

One week after the extraction event, the UTBA will host a honey festival as a chance for us to get together and share our summer adventures with our bees. This event will be open to the public to come and sample but only UTBA members can bring samples (1-2 jars). During the event, tables will be set up for our members in the greenhouse.  

We are looking into the possibility of having our members also be able to sell their honey at this event and/or trade with other members. Please indicate your interest in sales/trade using the form linked below.

Preregistration is STRONGLY REQUIRED, as it will allow us to gauge numbers and  interest in honey sales:

September 17

Honey Extraction Day

October 3

October 2023 meeting